It’s a Party!!

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We will be playing games!!!! Don’t ya love games?

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The Traveling Man is back for more!

Check out the latest installment here:

Spring Quotes

~ The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. ~
~ An optimist is the human personification of spring. ~
~ Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower ~
~ Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!” ~
~ One swallow does not make a spring, nor does one fine day ~
~ The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself. ~
~ Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~
~ In spring time, love is carried on the breeze. Watch out for flying passion or kisses whizzing by your head. ~
~ Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself ~
~ If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. ~

Release Day at Damnation Books!!!

Damnation Books March 1st, 2010 Releases

All four of our novels this time around are HUGE–between 90,000 and 120,000
words. Can’t beat that. Here’s the entire line-up:

Careless Book 2 Alyce Kerr, Faith Healer Trilogy

by Yolanda Sfetsos

eBook ISBN: 9781615720729

Price: $4.50 ebook

Genre: Erotica

Sub Genre: Paranormal

Novella of 16099 words

Sex rating: 4

Violence rating: 3

Edited by Andrea Heacock-Reyes

Cover Artwork by Jessica Lucero

About the book:

Alyce Kerr used to be a celebrity Faith Healer. Now all she wants to do is
to stay out of the limelight. Her short career of healing the sick publicly
has left her with a gaping hole in her soul and a binding to a demon that
makes her vulnerable. With Ross by her side and the help of a recluse
demonologist, Alyce may be able to reclaim her soul… but at what price?
Can the demonologist be trusted with Alyce’s life, or will her curiosity
with all-that-is-demonic work against them?

Caribbean Caracole

by Patricia MacEwen

eBook ISBN: 9781615720705

Price: $2.50 ebook only

Genre: Horror

Sub Genre: Erotica

Short Story of 8832 words

Sex rating: 4

Violence rating: 3

Edited by April Duncan

Cover Artwork by Marge Simon

About the book:

What does any woman want? To love, and be loved in return. That’s all
Marguerite is asking for when she flees her drunken husband, running into
the darkness in her bare feet. Knowing almost nothing of the tiny Caribbean
island that shelters her, she knows even less of the spirit world
surrounding her. She doesn’t understand that spirits too can be twisted by
loss and by loneliness, that transformation comes at a terrible price.


by Charles Gramlich

eBook ISBN: 9781615720682

Price: $2.50 ebook only

Genre: Horror

Sub Genre: none

Short Story of 5461 words

Sex rating: 1

Violence rating: 3

Edited by Lea Schizas

Cover Artwork by Julie D Arcy

About the book:

She should have brought her wind chimes in, she thought, when she heard them
ringing in the first gusts of the approaching hurricane. She was sitting on
the edge of the bed with her feet fishing for slippers when she remembered.
She had brought the chimes in. They were hanging downstairs in her living
room, where there was no wind to move them.

Dance of the Furrowed Goddess

by Bruce Golden

eBook ISBN: 9781615720699

Price: $2.50 ebook only

Genre: Science Fiction

Sub Genre: Alien

Short Story of 6015 words

Sex rating: 2

Violence rating: 1

Edited by Lea Schizas

Cover Artwork by Cinsearae Santiago

About the book:

An aging stripper finds that beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
especially when that eye sees through an alien lens.

False Jihad

by David Bullock

eBook ISBN: 9781615720866

Print ISBN: 9781615720859

Price: $5.95

Genre: Thriller

Sub Genre: Military

Novel of 91740 words

Sex rating: 1

Violence rating: 3

Edited by Tim Marquitz

Cover Artwork by Jinger Heaston

About the book:

Captain Jake Matthews has already sacrificed almost any hope of a normal
life in order to battle America’s enemies far from home. Now Jake, and his
team of Green Berets, joins forces with an ex-Navy SEAL working for the CIA,
to put an end to the most malevolent covert operation ever conceived. Jake
must now face losing the only people that mean anything to him, his men, as
they track an elusive foe leading a group of psychotic commandos determined
to bring America to its knees.


by Keith Kekic

eBook ISBN: 9781615720804

Print ISBN: 9781615720798

Price: $5.95

Genre: Dark Fantasy

Sub Genre: Horror

Novel of 112749 words

Sex rating: 2

Violence rating: 4

Edited by Heather Williams

Cover Artwork by Cinsearae Santiago

About the book:

A lonely teenager escapes from his troubles to the quiet night, only to find
that he is not alone. A beautiful girl watches him, eyes sparkling like the
stars in the sky. Together they walk under the light of the moon, sharing
the briefest of moments, but one that changes his life forever. Before
leaving him she tells him he can see her again, but only at night. Then she
vanishes into the darkness.

Sacrifice Book 2 Blood and Ashes Series

by Michele Acker

eBook ISBN: 9781615720828

Print ISBN: 9781615720811

Price: $5.95

Genre: Dark Fantasy

Sub Genre: none

Novel of 112118 words

Sex rating: 4

Violence rating: 4

Edited by Lisa J. Jackson

Cover Artwork by Ash Arceneaux

About the book:

Hired swords, Sorea and Daryn search for pieces of a weapon to destroy
Valina. This vile sorceress holds twelve children hostage in her fortress.
Will they find it before she does and before any more children are
sacrificed for evil magic? The two mercenaries must battle nightmarish
monsters, cross invisible bridges and come to terms with their feelings for
each other. They refuse to give up, knowing that stopping Valina is their
most important goal, no matter what the ultimate Sacrifice.

Sepulchral Earth

by Tim Marquitz

eBook ISBN: 9781615720767

Print ISBN: 9781615720750

Price: $4.50

Genre: Horror

Sub Genre: Dark Fantasy

Novella of 12645 words

Sex rating: 1

Violence rating: 4

Edited by Kim Richards

Cover Artwork by Jessica Lucero

About the book:

Two years after the furious dead rose up to murder the living, the remnants
of mankind face a brutal extinction. Wretched and broken, trading humanity
for life, the survivors suffer under the inevitable shadow of death.

Aided by friendly spirits, the necromancer Harlan Cole wages war against the
merciless forces of the undead. Driven to bring peace to the souls of his
wife and daughter, Harlan vows to return the dead to their graves, or join
them trying.

The Berserk

by Alex Smith

eBook ISBN: 9781615720781
Print ISBN: 9781615720774

Price: $4.50

Genre: Horror

Sub Genre: Psychological

Novella of 26276 words

Sex rating: 4

Violence rating: 4

Edited by April Duncan

Cover Artwork by Matt Truiano

About the book:

In this supernatural thriller, three aimless souls collide in a tempest of
lust, violence and vice in Washington, DC, where the elitist country clubs
they call their home can be as cutthroat as the business of staying popular.

As their triangle grows tighter, they each battle to hold on to their
sanity, one fleeing to Africa, the other two signing up for a cruise to
Mexico. But they cannot evade their fate. And as they face down doubles and
triples of themselves stalking them wherever they run, they will learn that
the demons that haunt them will accept only blood for their final sacrifice.

The First Angry Man

by Samuel King

eBook ISBN: 9781615720675

Price: $2.50 ebook only

Genre: Science Fiction

Sub Genre: AI

Short Story of 1 words

Sex rating: 1

Violence rating: 2

Edited by Lea Schizas

Cover Artwork by Annie Melton

About the book:

What will be the legal status of our intelligent creations? Will we treat
them as equals, or will they remain forever enslaved?


by Ken Shakin

eBook ISBN: 9781615720842

Print ISBN: 9781615720835

Price: $5.95

Genre: Thriller

Sub Genre: Erotica

Novel of 120811 words

Sex rating: 5

Violence rating: 5

Edited by Stephanie Parent

Cover Artwork by Kim Richards

About the book:

A novel about the nature of the thrill.

The thriller meets erotica in a marriage made in hell.

The perfect gentleman is a lady killer. A man who will do anything to
satisfy the most flippant desire, stop at nothing for a fleeting moment’s
stimulation of body and mind, whatever pleasure or suffering he causes in
the process, no matter what price he ultimately will have to pay.

The thrill for some is in flying a plane. Others like to jump. He prefers to
do the pushing.

How far will a man go to reach new heights, new depths? Sex is not enough to
fill the void of such a shallow abyss. How far will a man go to cheapen a

As far as he can.

Tracing the Devil

by Wayne Mansfield

eBook ISBN: 9781615720743

Print ISBN: 9781615720736

Price: $4.50

Genre: Erotica

Sub Genre: GBLT

Novella of 12528 words

Sex rating: 5

Violence rating: 3

Edited by Kim Richards

Cover Artwork by Jinger Heaston

About the book:

Nigsummu was always going to be different. Fathered by a demon and born to a
whore, what chance did he have? With no soul of his own he sucks the very
life force from his mother, absorbing hers, and ends up being abandoned in
the desert. Suckled by a jackal for the first days of his life he is then
adopted by a poor hunter and his family, But his is not to be a normal life.

Leaving home at fifteen he explores his ancient world, finally reaching the
coast three years later. From there he is taken across the Mediterranean to
mainland Europe, where his voyage of discovery begins. His journey is not
only personal, discovering his sexuality, his identity and how difference is
a matter of perspective, but he also learns much about the human condition.

Good Night Charlie Marks

by Perry P. Perkins

eBook ISBN: 9781615720668

Price: $2.50 ebook only

Genre: Horror

Sub Genre: none

Short Story of 7881 words

Sex rating: 1

Violence rating: 4

Edited by Lea Schizas

Cover Artwork by Annie Melton

About the book:

“A villager and his wife had a goose that laid a golden egg every day.” –

It’s 1979 and in the hottest corner of Hell’s Kitchen, Charlie Marks has a
wonderful, terrifying secret.”

William Wordsworth

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Gertrude Stein on Writing

keeponwriting“Write without thinking of the result
in terms of a result,
but think of the writing
in terms of discovery,

which is to say that creation
must take place
between the pen and the paper,

not before in a thought
or afterwards in a recasting…

It will come if it is there
and if you will let it come.”

Gertrude Stein

Quote of the day

Quote of the day

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau

Leigh Michaels on romance . . .

“….romance is far more satisfying when the
power between the characters is like a teeter-totter
—sometimes she’s on the high end, sometimes he
is, but the reader doesn’t know from minute to
minute who’s going to have the upper hand.”

-Leigh Michaels in an article
in Writer’s Digest, May/June 2009

Writer’s Quote for today

“Writing is a discipline, much like playing a musical
instrument; it requires constant practice and honing of skills.”

-Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code

Eric M Witchery on agendas …

“…at any given moment in a story, every character is working
on at least three agendas—three levels of desire: An overall agenda,
which tends to consist of broad hopes—life goals. A scene agenda,
which is the result a character hopes to achieve in a scene. A
compulsive agenda, which is a deeper, hidden need.”

-Eric M. Witchey in an article in The Writer, September 2007