It’s a Party!!

For those of you who wish to take advantage of this offer but are not able to attend this virtual party:

Want to shop online here is the link: []

Use code BIB

Code good for 1 week!
Be sure to enter the FREE Candle Drawing Here: []

We will be playing games!!!! Don’t ya love games?

Info you might need to know…

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The Muse Writers Conference!

The following information has been forwarded with permission:

“The deadline to register for the Muse Online Writers Conference is August 15, 2010. On August 16 until the first week of September there will be a late registration fee of five dollars.

If you have friends who might be interested in joining us, please let them know that they can register now for free and avoid the late fee.

I want to thank you for your help in promoting the Muse Online Writers Conference.

The registration link is:

Thank you

Lea Schizas”

The Traveling Man is back for more!

Check out the latest installment here:

Gertrude Stein on Writing

keeponwriting“Write without thinking of the result
in terms of a result,
but think of the writing
in terms of discovery,

which is to say that creation
must take place
between the pen and the paper,

not before in a thought
or afterwards in a recasting…

It will come if it is there
and if you will let it come.”

Gertrude Stein

Eric M Witchery on agendas …

“…at any given moment in a story, every character is working
on at least three agendas—three levels of desire: An overall agenda,
which tends to consist of broad hopes—life goals. A scene agenda,
which is the result a character hopes to achieve in a scene. A
compulsive agenda, which is a deeper, hidden need.”

-Eric M. Witchey in an article in The Writer, September 2007

Quote of the day

“I think it’s important to have a goal—
either page count or time—and stick to it.
Consistency and discipline is key.”

-Allison Brennan in an article
in the Romance Writers Report, February 2008

Spring Cleaning for Writers

Came across this excellent post for writers. Check it out:

Quotes for frustrated writers

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
– Douglas Adams

There are two kinds of writer: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder.
– Brian Aldiss

A writer should say to himself, not, How can I get more money?, but How can I reach more readers (without lowering standards)?
– Brian Aldiss

The story…must be a conflict, and specifically, a conflict between the forces of good and evil within a single person.
– Maxwell Anderson

When a man publishes a book, there are so many stupid things said that he declares he’ll never do it again. The praise is almost always worse than the criticism.
– Sherwood Anderson

You know how it is in the kid’s book world; it’s just bunny eat bunny.
– Anonymous

Character gives us qualities, but it is in actions – what we do – that we are happy or the reverse….All human happiness and misery take the form of action.
– Aristotle

Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret.
– Matthew Arnold

It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition.
– Isaac Asimov

No one suggests that writing about science will turn the entire world into a model of judgment and creative thought. It will be enough if they spread the knowledge as widely as possible.
– Isaac Asimov

Rejection slips, or form letters, however tactfully phrased, are lacerations of the soul, if not quite inventions of the devil – but there is no way around them.
– Isaac Asimov

To most readers the word ‘fiction’ is an utter fraud. They are entirely convinced that each character has an exact counterpart in real life and that any small discrepancy with that counterpart is a simple error on the author’s part. Consequently, they are totally at a loss if anything essential is altered. Make Abraham Lincoln a dentist, put the Gettysburg Address on his tongue, and nobody will recognize it.
– Louis Auchincloss

Eternal Press Launch Party !

celebration1EternalPressAuthors Yahoo! Group

Title: Eternal Press Launch Party

Date: Saturday February 7, 2009
Time: All Day
Repeats: This event repeats every month.
Notes: Eternal Press is excited to announce seven sizzling new titles released this month. We invite you to join us for our launch party on the 7th over at our Reader’s email group. Here’s the link:

We’re partying all day so come chat with our authors; you might win some free stuff!

Eternal Press January Lineup!

January 2009 Releases




Carinna and The Nobleman                      Jannine Corti Petska

Release Date: 01/07/09





78,000 words              $6.95                           Heat Level:  3 Flames




Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Jannine grew up in an Italian family with Old World values. When she began writing romances, it was only natural that she set her stories in Italy and around the Italian culture.

She has won or finaled in various writing contests and written articles about Medieval Italy for Renaissance Magazine. 

Jannine lives in California with her husband and three feisty Rat Terriers, To reach Jannine either through email or surface mail, please visit her website at




Forced to the streets after her mother dies, Carina Gallo is desperate to survive and find her long lost sisters.  Consumed with locating his missing brother, Count Luciano has forsaken his needs. When he catches beautiful and vulnerable Carina stealing from him, he takes pity and cares for her until she’s strong enough to work off her crime. Carina is forever grateful to Luciano, yet fears he will learn of her wicked secret and condemn her to burn. Will Luciano and Carina find a way to feed the mutual passions they share, or will heresy and obsession with lost family destroy them both?




Carina sighed inwardly, truly amazed by the beautiful sight of her first lover. Count Ruggero’s long, well-proportioned legs reminded her of sturdy pillars. Her gaze drifted over the healing wound on his forearm then shifted to the blaze of desire turning his eyes dark gold. A thrill shivered through her body…until their monumental differences returned to afflict her conscience.

“You know not what you are doing, my lord.”

“No, angel. I know exactly what I am about to do.”

“But you and I cannot. You are a count. I am merely a peasant.”

He propped his hands on his hips. “Think you it matters to me?”

“It should, my lord. I am not worthy of your attention, amorous or otherwise.”

He showered her with a promising smile and stepped forward to help her remove her chemise. “When you and I are wearing naught, tell me of our differences, save for the obvious.”



Kidnapped                                     Rita Karnopp


Romantic Suspense



65,300 words              $6.95                           Heat Level:  2 Flames




Rita Karnopp has been writing for over fifteen years. Although originally from Wisconsin, she and her husband have lived in Montana for the past thirty-two years. She’s drawn to the history of the Native American and strives to bring alive the authenticity of a time past. When writing suspense or contemporary romance she enjoys bringing excitement and the enduring power of love to her stories. Prior to the release of Kidnapped, her Eternal Press releases are Wind Song, Dark Spirit, Ransom Love, and Revenge. When she isn’t reading, writing or doing research, she enjoys making dream catchers, rock hounding, gold panning, crystal digging, rafting, fishing, canoeing, and spending time with her family.  She invites you to visit her website at




Laura and Aaron Palmer’s marriage is over, but they’ve got newly adopted daughter Amie to consider. If they split up now, young Amie could be taken away from them both forever. Life is complicated, but it takes a turn for the worse when Laura finds Amie’s picture listed in an ad for missing and abducted children. But are the people who claim to be Amie’s biological parents really what they seem, or is something more sinister at play? Alienated emotionally from each other, and paralyzed with fear, can Laura and Aaron find a way to save their marriage and protect their adopted daughter?




“She looks close to frozen already. Damn it, Black Angel, this isn’t right,” the man with a deep voice said. “I went along with some of your ideas, I admit that, but this is going too far.”

“Man, you ain’t got any idea what too far is. Try spending a few years with some good old boys in the slammer, then ya know what’s too far. ‘Sides, these folks know too much. Either they or you go down. What do ya prefer?”

Laura slowly opened her eyes to a narrow slit. She studied the rugged, thin, almost wolfish face of the man called Black Angel. She was surprised that he had pale skin and white hair. He was of brute stature and if she had to guess, at least six feet six inches tall. His black leather jacket and boots encrusted with silver studs made her think of a biker. She quickly figured it out: he was black-hearted and white like an angel. He was the kind of man who made his own rules and went his own way, the hell with everyone else.

“By the time they’re found, they won’t be tellin’ nothin’ to nobody.” Black Angel kicked the ground with his boot tip.

French Tickler (Naughty Ladies of Nice Series)                     Sloane Taylor


Contemporary Erotica



13,400 words                          $3.95                           Heat Level:  4 Flames




Sloane Taylor is a sensual woman who believes humor and sex are healthy aspects of our everyday lives, which carry over into her books. Her stories are set in Europe, where the men are all male and the North American women they encounter are both feminine and strong. A true romantic, the women Sloane writes will bring more than lust to their men’s lives.


Born and raised in Chicago, Sloane and Studly, her mate for life, split their time between a home in Illinois and a weekend cottage on the back roads of Indiana…Or you can catch up with her as she travels though Europe, researching new material.


French Tickler is Sloane’s ninth published novel.


Please visit her at or





Lingerie designer Samantha Bradley is on the brink of major success. While having the time of her life in Nice she meets sexy Cisco Bernier, a man who turns her heart inside out and makes her body sizzle.


Despite being France’s key criminal prosecutor, Cisco’s success in relationships has been less than zero. When he meets Sam, his staid world goes up in flames.


But their happiness is short lived when his underhanded mother and her mob-connected father resurface to threaten their future. Can Samantha and Cisco find a way to make their passion for one another burn fiercer than the scorn of their meddling parents? Find out in this sexy new addition to the Naughty Ladies of Nice.




“Do you not think her nipples are larger?” Cisco pointed to the charcoal nude on the young woman’s sketchpad with one hand while shading his eyes from the welcome winter sun with the other. He looked across the coastline toward the subject in question as the middle-aged woman stooped and spread a towel across the slick pebbles. “Certainement, they are darker.”

“Perhaps, but it’s really hard to tell at this angle.” The artist swiped her ring-clad thumb along a black line, softening the bold stroke, and laughed. “Besides, she won’t sit still long enough for me to get it right.”

She tossed her long black hair across her bare shoulders, and a light honey scent drifted up to him, clouding his mind.

Cisco yanked his tie from around his neck, grateful for the light breeze off the Mediterranean that cooled his hot skin. Now if it would only do something for his aching cock.

“Maybe if you…” He slipped the thin stick from her long fingers, feeling a jolt of electricity at the light contact, then squiggled a larger, more intricate circle on the wheat-colored paper. “Something like that.”

“Are you an artist?” She glanced up. Her large green eyes reminded him of polished emeralds, sharp and clear, and just as exciting. At that moment, he would be anything the beautiful Américaine wanted him to be.

Museums Are Murder: A Short Tali Cates Mystery            Carol Shenold


Paranormal Mystery



11,085 words              $3.95                           Heat Level:  3 Flames




Carol Shenold is a freelance writer and teacher who has had multiple nonfiction articles, books and short fiction published over the years, including textbooks on Infection Control topics. Currently she has two Tali Cates novels, Privy to Murder and Bloody Murder, and a paranormal novella, Fairy Dust, out with Eternal Press, and other works in progress. She blogs regularly at She invites you to visit her website at and friend her at




When Tali agrees to help her friends with the Love County Museum opening, she is expecting a pleasant time with familiar facesjust maybe not as familiar as her former lover, Aiden Courtland. To add to her worries, there has also been a murder. Things start to really heat up when Aiden reveals that a demon wants to cart Tali away to another worldpermanently. Now she must face her own powers as well as a were wolf and a demon in order to keep her family safe.




“The Dark Lord knows. He wants to use you for his own gain.”

“Who the hell is this Dark Lord you keep prattling on about?” Even in the dark I knew his expression was pure impatience.

“He’s one of the lords of the underworld, the dimension humans always refer to as hell. He’s a minor demon without much power of his own, compared to some of the others.” He raised an eyebrow. “If he could control access to the ley lines, he could rule an area and charge a toll for use of the power.”

“Like Texas Power and Light?”

“Simplistic, but yes.”

“Even if I believe this demon from hell needs me to control the magic power, what am I supposed to do now? And what is he going to do with me?”

“There are rumors that someone is acting as a conduit for him. The Dark Lord can’t come on his own, but if someone with power calls him by name, Azogareptzen, he can come to this dimension and potentially carry you off to his world, where he would have power over you and could make you do his bidding. He would come at you through those you love.”

“This…this Azo can simply show up from some other dimension and haul me off to hell to be his slave forever and there’s nothing I can do?”

Okay, that came out more high pitched and panicky than I’d planned.

“It’s why I’m here, Tali. To protect you, show you how to find and tap into power you can use to protect yourself.”

“Well, shit. It was bad enough when I realized everything from vampires to werewolves were real. And now you’re telling me I have to learn to use the essence of magic power to protect myself from the unseen things I thought were superstition? That’s got to be the biggest pile of crap I’ve ever heard.”


Lot 62: An Esther May Morrow Mystery                  Arthur Everest





8,700 words                $3.50                           Heat Level:  3 Flames




Arthur Everest is the imaginative author of the Esther May Morrow series. He enjoys building tales of time travel and the paranormal from compelling, often deeply personal, central ideas. He currently lives in northwest England.




Julie Blalock is approaching thirty and has an unfulfilling job with an accountancy firm. But she also has a secret—she was once an MI6 Agent. A personal tragedy forced her to quit eight years ago, but a chance offer to return for a one-time op is tootempting to ignore. Her mission: to pose as a rich socialite at Sotheby’s, to gain critical intelligence during the most anticipated high-class auction of the year—Esther May Morrow’s sale of antique treasures, featuring Lot 62, a prize that has even the Ministry of Defence worried. What secrets will Julie discover on her impromptu return to espionage?




“Anything else I should know?”

Northam replied, “Entwistle’s got a few final details. Just a sec.”

Maggie expertly applied cherry lipstick and a smidgeon of smoky eye-shadow. Next, elbow-length black gloves matched the dress and fit comfortably. Rich suede high heels—black, from Audley’s in London—also fit first time. Julie suddenly remembered the Service still had all her sizes from eight years ago. It made her realise how little she missed her privacy; a few days back, if someone in accounting had handed her a profile of her vital statistics, she’d have filed for breach of confidentiality. Now, even though they had her butt under close scrutiny and her breasts spilling out for all the world to see, Julie simply nodded. She had her second skin. And it was tough. The Service had given her that.



Review: None yet

Feels Like Old Times                             Brady S. Sutton



Erotic Romance


5,150 words                $2.50                           Heat Level:  4 Flames





Brady Sutton is not 61, is not a teacher, is not a widower and has never been seduced by a rich attractive widow. He writes erotica and erotic romance because he delights in sex and knows it is on the minds of most people most of the time. He also knows sex should be fun, which is why many of his stories are, he hopes, humorous. He has started many blogs and then forgotten about them. He intends to start another and a website, soon. Living alone.




Feeling old. Lamenting your missing libido. But oh-so-much-more: missing the only woman you ever loved.

This is Christmas for Harry Bates. Until he meets Carla Long, a widow who refuses to hide her lust for life and loveand Harry Bates.

When Carla declares her desires, Harry realizes he wants this woman…in every way. But one question makes him hesitate: What would his late wife, Maria, say?




Sometimes he hated his wife for dying on him. But always he missed her.

He often recalled sitting across the room, admiring as he stared at her. She would look up, blush, and wave him away. But he knew she’d loved it. Her laughter had been like chimes in a breeze. She had smelled like fresh air and tasted like dessert. In public she’d been modest and proper, but in private…God, he missed her.

She’d had a special way of letting him know she wanted him. “Please give it to me, Harry,” she’d murmur against his ear. Every time, her soft breath had aroused him, made his mouth water and his body hunger for hers.



Donnie Dare                                              Dee Kirk



Erotic Humor


21,900 words              $4.50                           Heat Level:  5 Flames




Dee Kirk is an award-winning writer, humorist, and bon vivant from America’s heartland. He is the author of two historical novels and numerous short stories that range from crime drama to political satire.




When sultry Donnie Dare discovers an old friend has been ruined by unscrupulous lawyers, she feels compelled to act. With the aid of a seedy private detective and some old friends from the adult film world, Donnie’s quest for justice leads her on a hilarious romp through the bedrooms of the rich and powerful.





Orgasm, whether self-induced or shared with others, is my life elixir, my magic fountain of happiness and well-being. There’s no better preventive medicine than an active and satisfying sex life and the big O will cure almost anything that ails you. I believe this as strongly as some folks believe in virgin birth. And I’ve got more proof than they have.



Lizzie’s Listening                                     Mackenzie Drew





5,330 words                $2.50                           Heat Level:  1 Flames





Mackenzie Drew is multi-published author, who loves to write horror/paranormal stories. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family, going to church and shopping. She also loves to sing and decorate.


To learn more about her and read about her latest stories, visit her website at:




Eleven year old, Lizzie Harper is a family’s worst nightmare. She is a compulsive killer and nothing short of a demon child.
When Rachael Barter applies for a housekeeping job and is hired, little does she realize she will eventually assume the role of surrogate mother to an evil child that has the same traits as Satan, himself…





“Lizzie…you come out here this instant or I’ll go get your mother,” she yelled as she approached the white gate enclosing the cemetery. A distant noise startled her. She gripped the fence and stood wide-eyed. “This isn’t funny, young lady. You don’t scare me in the slightest.”

Of course, Lizzie did scare the hell out of her. Lizzie was a warped young soul, but none of it had to do with Rachael’s care. She taught her right, with morals and values; to respect others. Well…at least she thought she did.

“Misssssss Barter.” Lizzie poked Rachael on the back, causing her to leap forward.

She jerked around, her hand across her chest. “Where have you been? And where’s Piper?”