Memorial Day, 2014

This Memorial Day, I will put my American Flag on my porch, proudly. In honor of all those who have served and are serving or will serve. I will be remembering my father, Gene Sutterfield, and his sacrifice for our Country. My Daddy served three tours of duty in Vietnam. He was a proud member of the 121st Airborne division of the United States Army. For this service, he was ridiculed when he returned home. Instead of being given the respect he deserved, as were all our soldiers back then. The American people should be ashamed of how they treated those Soldiers, Doctors and Nurses and all support staff who gave their lives, their hearts and their futures for their country in Vietnam. My father was one of the lucky ones who actually returned home. However, he eventually gave his life for his time in Vietnam. Agent Orange took my Daddy from us in the form of Bladder Cancer on October 31, 2012. He is now singing with the Angels. Save a place for me Daddy, I will join you someday!

Inspirational Quotes For those who have lost a loved one part two

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God
that such men lived.

—George S. Patton, Jr.

We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears. We must not demean life by
standing in awe of death.

—David Sarnoff

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter

—E. E. Cummings

Honoring the passing generations

It’s the passing of an era, the ending of an age.
The world still spins around us, as we turn another page.
We feel that time has stopped, the sun refused to shine.
Though we’ve lost our precious loved one,
He’s still in our hearts and minds.

It’s the passing of an era, the ending of an age.
The world still spins around us, as we turn another page.
We shall journey ever onward, travel on through space and time.
We are always looking forward, for the mountain we must climb.

It’s the passing of an era, the ending of an age.
The world still spins around us, as we turn another page.
Though our hearts still wish you with us, it’s a voyage you must make.
We would never hold you back, dear, so our love with you please take.

It’s the passing of an era, the ending of an age.
The world still spins around us, as we turn another page.
We shall someday meet in heaven, joyous cries shall ring aloud.
As we join in that sweet chorus, all the family gathered round.

It’s the passing of an era, the ending of an age.
The world still spins around us, as we turn another page.
Candace Clayton 07-27-07

Inspirational Quotes For those who have lost a loved one

Death— the last sleep? No the final awakening.

—Walter Scott


I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal
of meeting me is another matter.

-Winston Churchill

Do not seek death. Death will find you.
But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment.

-Dag Hammarskjöld

We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears. We must not demean life by
standing in awe of death.

-David Sarnoff