Memorial Day, 2014

This Memorial Day, I will put my American Flag on my porch, proudly. In honor of all those who have served and are serving or will serve. I will be remembering my father, Gene Sutterfield, and his sacrifice for our Country. My Daddy served three tours of duty in Vietnam. He was a proud member of the 121st Airborne division of the United States Army. For this service, he was ridiculed when he returned home. Instead of being given the respect he deserved, as were all our soldiers back then. The American people should be ashamed of how they treated those Soldiers, Doctors and Nurses and all support staff who gave their lives, their hearts and their futures for their country in Vietnam. My father was one of the lucky ones who actually returned home. However, he eventually gave his life for his time in Vietnam. Agent Orange took my Daddy from us in the form of Bladder Cancer on October 31, 2012. He is now singing with the Angels. Save a place for me Daddy, I will join you someday!