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Where to find inexpensive writing courses online

Where to find inexpensive writing courses online

We have all heard the saying, “You get what you pay for.” However, this is not always the case. There are many websites that offer free or inexpensive writing courses and there are a few that I have experienced personally. is a free online writing community. If you are a member there, be sure you check out the A1 Writing academy. The courses only cost the points you earn by reading the work of the other members and they have scholarships available for new members.

The Muse Online Writing Conference. This is an annual weeklong online writing conference. It is absolutely free. The conference takes place in October of each year and registration closes at the first of September. So, registration for this year has already closed, but I highly recommend looking it up and bookmarking the site for next year. It is the best experience available on the internet for new writers. Another great site is This site is full of great information for the person learning the writing craft. They are currently offering several free courses. These free courses include such titles as;
Writing for Profit: Break into Magazines
Outside the Square Fiction Workshop
Ebook Marketing Secrets Course
Short Story Writing Workshop
5 Part Copywriting Course

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has a program they call MIT OpenCourseWare. This program enables students to receive the benefit of professional instruction at no cost. They include several writing classes in the mix of free courses they offer.

Open University offers this fiction writing class free of charge, along with several other writing courses:

There are many free online writing courses. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I really see no reason whatsoever to have to pay for writing classes when there is an unlimited supply of help out there for little or no cost. The only course I have ever paid a large sum of money for was The Winghill Writing Course. In all honesty, it is not one I would recommend. I feel like they did not live up to the promises made to me at the beginning of the course. Yes, upon completion of the course you do receive a certificate, but the cost far exceeded the pleasure of the certificate. On a positive note, I met many new writers from all over the world during the course and now count many of them among my friends. So, I don’t consider the course a complete waste of the money I paid for it.

These are all great sites and they all contain a wealth of information that will help the struggling writer. I would also recommend joining a few online writer groups. There are several great Yahoo groups and Google groups. Just do not go overboard and join too many or you will spend all your time answering email and not getting any writing done. However; in moderation, a good support group will be better than any writing class out there.